I'm a sucker for cute stuffs,
nothing much i can do about it.
(and there's NOTHING wrong with it, either)
i mean, if u happen to meet me in person, i don't really reflect as someone who would go gaga at cutesies stuffs..but seriously, i do. ^__^
Hence, the current blog background (it IS cute,right? **smiling sheepishly). i have this habit of changing my blog background from time to time and usually, i hunt for cute factors, not necessarily pink, though. hi hi.
I might change again, but for now, it'll stay. maybe longer than i expected..and it's all because of blog walking.
This is what actually happened.
I was blogwalking like I normally do after working hours, enjoying interesting entries, learning new things and relating myself to similar experiences. then somehow i found this blog owned by a quite interesting young lady and after reading quite a lot of her entries, dropped by a few words telling her i dropped by.
Well, one other reason why i do blogwalking quite often is to get my baby blog (yup, i am new at this..dozo yuroshikou..onegaishimasu ^_^) introduced to those fellow bloggers out there.the more you 'meet', the more new things about blogging particularly, and other stuffs as well you learn.
So, eventhough only half-expecting it, this young lady DID visit my blog, and not only she (maybe) found another new blog to enjoy, she found something better:
All about it in her entry. Thanks Yanie, i appreciate the appreciation hi hi.
And this is what i found in her blog..
or should i say who i found .. ^_^
She did some photo morphing and i was so driven to try. Above is a hint of how our (me & B) kid(s) might look like..it's kinda fun, coz i get to try and see how kids would look like if Brad Pitt & I would be the parents he he..
Go MORPHING here..it's fun!
p.s: a boy or a girl, u think?
p.s.s: figured i should put up the faces morphed since thte kid's face looked so real (it does, huh KW? ^_^) so here they are
there's the daddy he he
and the mummy he he he
(people say we look much alike..izit?)
7 left comments..you?:
the morphing looks real.. and a cute one too =)
yeah, i was surprised by the result..hmm, come to think of it, maybe i should put up the pics i morphed to get this pic,kan? :)
finally... i got to see the daddy's face..lol
wakakakakakaka.. **sy ketawa betul2 nie... ;p
hurm, tulah wak jawa chenta hati sy ..
**muntah ijau
hahahaha.. ya memeng..napa yihooo? :D
kanapa tu a?..aku nda ngat suda..excited kali
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