and NO, we didn't find it. well, i found a few white kebaya, but mum said my sister (it's for my sister finale dinner with her course-mates before they enter the 'real world' ^_^ ..) won't be satisfied with it. ciss! Mum ended up buying for herself a new baju kurung for Uncle Lamrin & Aunty Saimah's wedding. Dad will bank her in some cash for her to find and buy one in Terengganu (bukan di sana lagi senang cari kebaya, baju kurung, etc yang cantik & affordable kah?) i eyed for a few cute blouses and Baby Tees but since budget was 'suffocating for air' i held back the thought.
talking about kebaya, i took the liberty to go online searching for kebayas and of course, one sure-go site would be The Kebaya Couture (found out about KC from your lovely blog, Ernie.kudos.) i saw that white kebaya my sister would go gaga over but sayang seribu kali sayang, it's booked. talk about minutes too late.
for RM50 u get top kebaya, adjustable sarong and tube
and for some random shots before we head back home after failing to find the white kebaya...
The famous Merlin in KK. can u feel the heat?
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