A lot of people are either planning for holiday, going for one SOON, or just came back from one.. Oleh itu, I decided that we need one too.. dekat-dekat pun jadilah..
Can you imagine how upset it is to receive a phone call, expecting your hubby to ask you open the ate coz he's reaching home, just to hear him say,
"Sayang, ada orang kasi pecah cermin kereta."
Dad and I rushed to the scene and alhamdulillah nothing was missing (I'd fainted if the car is stolen...Nauzubillah..) the culprit managed to pull out a modulator (took away the modulator but left the cable behind) and went through one of my planner but left it since nothing valuable to him/her was found.
We drove off slowly thanking GOD that we still have the car, yet hubby was fussing about having to 'ganti' the broken window. The car is already 'asking' for a few replacement so this incident is adding salt to the injury. There goes the budget for new clothes and shoes.uhuk!
Reason #2 : "I want it on Job Description Format with Procedure FOR EACH JD"
Sigh~ this ISO thingy is consuming my energy and spirit so much that I can barely process even the simplest thing. Sudah pening tambah pening..
Muka pucat jumpa Director terus kena soalan,
"Are you feeling ok?"
"Pregnant is it?"
aaahhhh.. malas mau jawap soalan ni!hahaha~There's so much thing to think about, so many things to consider... honeymoon seems to be the last thing in my mind these days.. biarlah, ni kalay dapat vacay 2 jam perjalanan outside KK with hubby sister & cousin pun kira OK lah tu kan.. orang tanya still boleh jawap..
"sudah honeymoon.."